A rediscovery of scent, from the perfumer’s perfumer.
Fragrance was one thing, then along came Yuri Gutsatz, who made it another.
Once referred to as the “unknown perfumer,” he came into the industry when scents came mainly from large, marketing-driven perfume houses, and the artists who created them went unnamed. Gutsatz lamented the state of things—writing “Oh Perfumer! Your name is No One!”—then set about changing it, in the process founding Le Jardin Retrouvé, the original niche perfumery, and redefining scent as high art.
Translated, “retrouvé” means both “found” and “recovered,” and Le Jardin Retrouvé is both. Gutsatz found remarkable scents among the world’s most magnificent gardens, crafted them into his own, sustainable “jardin,” and curated them into the Osmothèque, the first global scent archive. Years later, they were recovered by his son, Michel, who today shares with us that library of scent and emotions. Because what is a garden, after all?
"Perfumes…reflect, in their man-made harmony, the most beautiful and purest things in nature."
- Yuri Gutsatz